Nibbling Barbs


WHAT! You went over my Helmet!
Aug 9, 2004
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I was cleaning out my tank a few months ago, and I had recently bought some green tiger barbs, anyway, the wee chaps nibble at my arm everytime I put my hand in.

All the other fish swim off, but these little guys just come up to me quite the thing and nibble away. lol. It freaked me out at first but now I just laugh cause its tickley. does anyone elses barbs do this?
I was cleaning out my tank a few months ago, and I had recently bought some green tiger barbs, anyway, the wee chaps nibble at my arm everytime I put my hand in.

All the other fish swim off, but these little guys just come up to me quite the thing and nibble away. lol. It freaked me out at first but now I just laugh cause its tickley. does anyone elses barbs do this?

I don't have any barbs but my zebra danios do this sometimes.
when i put the tip of my finger in the tank they love nibling on it lol i dont have barbs tho
My Tiger barbs use to always do this... now though, almost nine month after I got them, they have stopped...
Yeah I used to have some tiger barbs that did that, and any rosy barbs I have ever had do the same thing...I guess they're hungry AND brave!
I dont have barbs, but I have guppies and they are so friendly they come up to my arm and like poke it with their nose when my hand is in there.

They are so funny.

But my other fish wont come near me.
whenever we've had baby tiger barbs they always nibble nibble nibble and hang around nosing the gravel vac (can be a real pain) but ive found as they get older they tend to get more scaredy despite their reputations as fearless fin nippers, adult barbs are definately more wary. i sometimes think it must be a learned behaviour - they see their elder peers being literally terrified of an arm/gravel vac so they end up too thinking oh i should be scared so start being scared themselves!!! shame cos i love it when the teeny barbs are really inquisitive & nibbling my hand!
our mollies are always nibbling my hand & in fact i could easily scoop a mollie out with my hand - no need for a net, i always laugh & think just as well that mollies are not a large good eating fish or they would have been fished to extincticon centuries ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & i remember last year when we had 50+ swordtail babies in our fry tank they would all have a go at my hand/arm if i stuck it in their tank- always made me laugh!!
hehe its cool isn't it. Its funny how no matter what the species "kids" are always inquisitive.
LOL sounds like my tiger barbs aswel must say thi it made me jump the 1st time they done it :hyper:

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