nibbled Guppie Tails...


New Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Brought 4 Fancy Guppies about three days ago and they seemed to fit in just fine until today, one has a large portion of it's tail missing, will this grow back?

we have the following in our tank:

17 Neon Tetras
4 Gouramis (2 Males, 2 Females)
2 Siamese Fighting Fish (1 Male, 1 Female)
1 Molly
2 Platies
2 smallish silver fish with black tails and red above their eyes (not sure what they are called)
4 Fancy Guppies
2 Loaches
3 Catfish
1 spotted brown fish that eats algae, sucks onto the glass etc (again, not sure what it is called)

the tank is about 2 weeks old (we have had several fish [4] die, but i'll leave that to another post.)

any help would be appreciated.

please excuse any spelling mistakes (im new at this 'fish' speak) :p
Fighters, gouramis together arggh catastrophe... also the fighter will think the guppies are other males and they will kill them...(GO TO YOUR LFS iMMEDIATELY) also i suggest getting a smaller tank (maybe 5g) for your bettas and make a cave, plant it and add another female (Also cylce it) YOu must go to your lfs or you will have extreme casulties.
As for the tail it should heal naturally...however you must return or invest in more must lodge i huge complaint to the lfs...anyway good luck with your fish keeping. Any other questions ?
u should of let it more longer to settle about 4 weeks. like my tank i did this ,the water was green i had 2 angelfish and they laid eggs in it. just saying it to u anyway.

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