Hi all, My tank finished cycling about 2 weeks ago, and I was rather amazed at the amount of mainly green algae there was in the tank. I thought , I know I'll buy a bristlenose catfish, from what I had read it or they would soon clear this problem. Anyway, I started stocking the tank with other fish. 6 pearl danios and 2 Swartzi corys, they didn't make a lot of difference but I didn't really think they would. I bought some more fish the following week, 2 more Swartzi corys, 4 bronze corys and 2 pair of rosy barbs, all I can say is that I have never seen fish eat so much for so long. Within 3 hours the rosy barbs had cleared the algae by 90% so I don't think I shall be looking for a bristlenose now. I now have a lovely algae clear tank thanks to my rosys. S.