Next fish?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Hey, Im near enough cycled, and was looking for anouther fish for my 29gallon, as Im having a fair bit of algae I was thinking about something that will 'clean up'

How about a clown loach? or oto?

Please suggest others, as Im off to the fish shop tomorrow :)
If your after a cleaner up fish then go for as nice a PLec as you can afford - common ones grow BIG , go for a bristelnose or any other one of that sort of size.
you can get some beuatiful plecs - zebras , tigers , all sorts but they can get expensive - bristlenose , yellow spotted , snowball etc they arent too expensive
the only thing is they arent the most visible of fish so if your after something to look at as well then maybe a group of Clown loaches - make sure you get 3-4 as they are better as a crowd
I'll explain a bit more, at the moment I have 5 zebra danios, I want to get 2 rams, about 5 cardinals and a couple of frogs, (ADF's)

If I added a group of clown loaches would that be overcrowding?
CL's are a no-go in a 29gal i'm afraid, they get too big. Bristlenose Plecs or Ottos would be your best bet.
Hi all, My tank finished cycling about 2 weeks ago, and I was rather amazed at the amount of mainly green algae there was in the tank. I thought , I know I'll buy a bristlenose catfish, from what I had read it or they would soon clear this problem. Anyway, I started stocking the tank with other fish. 6 pearl danios and 2 Swartzi corys, they didn't make a lot of difference but I didn't really think they would. I bought some more fish the following week, 2 more Swartzi corys, 4 bronze corys and 2 pair of rosy barbs, all I can say is that I have never seen fish eat so much for so long. Within 3 hours the rosy barbs had cleared the algae by 90% so I don't think I shall be looking for a bristlenose now. I now have a lovely algae clear tank thanks to my rosys. S.
actually the best way to recommend an algae eater is if we can narrow down what kind of algae you have. for example: rosy barb's will eat hair algae, otos and plecos won't touch it. and pretty much nothing will eat blue-green algae.

do you have a digital camera that you couls take a picture with? or could you just describe what the algae looks like and what its growing on?
How many hours a day do you keep the lights on? Is the tank sitting near a window? Most "sucker fish" won't eat certain types of algae. If you can find the source that is causing the algae, you can get rid of it that way. Or you can just try cleaning it off the glass windows. :thumbs:

I have a common plec in my 55 gallon and a rubberlipped plec in my 29 gallon. I don't use them to clean algae, as I've never had bad algae in any of my tanks, but I think plecs are some of the cutest freshwater fish. :wub:
Hi..Otos....they do tend to be sensitive, but, they are not a big load for the tank so you can get several of them. They can get into small places too. I think the true flying fox is a great fish..but..they can get up to 6 inches in length. Loaches need a larger tank. Certain Plecos can get huge. There are small ones....look them up before you buy. SH
Its green hair algae, I mostly clean it off myself, but its annoying trying to reach the back of the tank.
I probably allow too much sunlight, and keep the light on too long, but I have other plants that I dont want to kill.

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