Newt Tank Plan


Fish Fanatic
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Derby, UK
Here's my plan for my newt tannk. its not to scale, but its not far off. See the key below to understand it!


Black: My tank
Blue lines: Acrylic, siliconed in, water tight. diagonal lines on a straight one denotes small holes drilled to alow water flow, but no newt access!
Light Blue: Water
Orange: Subtrate
Red Arrow: Water flow
Green: Small waterfall pump, pumping water vertically up to trickle down a peice of bogwood back into the water
Grey: Compartment for bioballs/carbon bag/something similar
Purple: Compartment for sponge
Pink: small acrylic 'square', so i can stick a tube down to syphon the water out of that compartment.

Right, heres the explenation. I am going to be planting the tank in the subtrated half (and some moss in the water part). My inital idea was just to bung it all in, but then i came up with this. what this setup allows me is 2 seperate water resevoirs. the light blue is the one the newts will be able to swim in (the filtered water). in a seperate area, about 1/2~3/4 depth of the subtrate, i can have a water source for the plants, which i can add fertilisers and nutrinets too and not have to worry about the newts ingesting it/it irritating them.

I am going to silicone slate to the bottom of the water area, and along the acrylic wall, so that it's descised and looks a little more interesting.

the tank is 8" high, and the acrylic walls will be 4" high. the filter area will have an acrylic top, so that the newts cant get into it. ill cover this with subtrate, to hide it away.

Let me know your thoughts :)
That looks great, carn't see anything wrong with :good:

But it will be a pain in the ### to silicone that devider :lol:

yeah, its gonna take 4 pairs fo hands to make! im going to build the filter part outside of the tank, then silicone tht in place, and once thats in, it shouldnt be too bad for the rest :)
Just a thought:

acrylic does not stick well with silicone - if you need it to be properly water tight you need an acrylic glue.... which does not stick well to glass.

Bear that in mind.
Add me to the confused list. If the newts can`t get in to the water where the plants are, how are they going to get at the substrate.

Anyway, if you want a top quality substrate to go under gravel then Tropica is highly regarded.

ill be building it as soon as it arrives (tomorrow hopefully) so ill post pic's for you all!

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