Newspaper Article on Dying/Painting Fish


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2004
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Hey, I'm currently preparing for a university presentation, topic of our choice provided we have a newspaper article that we "used" as the stimulus. I really wanted to do my presentation on the horribleness (is that a word??) of dying/painting fish, but as yet, I haven't been able to find any newspaper articles on it. The article can be on the net or in print, so long as it's from a reputable source. If anyone has ever run across this kind of thing & can give me tips on where to find it - please speak up now!! I think this is a good way to get the word out, even if the audience will only be small. Anyways, any help would be very much appreciated. Thanx :)
try searching google news...

good luck :)
hi there,
look up which a lot of people of this forum have as signatures & support - they have some very good info + you can support them & sign their guest book.
Thanx for the info, all. Unfortunately, I am after an actual newspaper article. I have tried google news search, no luck. Any other ideas would be much appreciated. Thanx.
Some large papers keep excellent online search engines/databases. Unfortunately most of these require purchasing an account to get old articles.

Will magazines work?
Nope, has to be a newspaper article, Noelberg. I have tried the google news search & a lot of newspaper archives (as much as I could search without paying up anyways). Guess I might just have to rethink my topic. Thanx anyways pplz.

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