Newly Planted Tank


Apr 26, 2010
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Hey everyone, this is my newly planted tank what do you think about it?



Good start. What type of bulb do you have?
I think it is a T5 power compact bulb 24watt from interpet. It came with the fish tank. I have also been looking around the site and three-fingers said:

Work at an LFS that sells fishpods.

The lights are great for plant growth, just leave the blue and white on on together. If you don't like the colour rendition just buy another white one instead, or you can even get other cheaper bulbs that fit off the net that have different K ratings.

The lights are just screw-in energy saving bulbs, they have their own little ballast in them, they shouldn't hum at all so I suspect it's something else that's creating the humming.

They are nice little solid tanks, would be easy to set one up for multies, chuck in some shells and a couple of tough plants .
Ok, so for now, if you haven't done so already, look thruogh the pinned articles (PARC) at this section. It will help a lot. If you want, when I have laptop access, I'll move this to the journal section.

Yeah that would be awesome if you could move it and ill start updating it every-time i put something new in.
Yeah that would be awesome if you could move it and ill start updating it every-time i put something new in.

Consider it moved. Have fun updating. Here's a link to PARC. So you have a ready reference in your journal. :D

It is on two bit of wood. I have tied it to the wood with white thread which contains no dye. Its guiding the roots to go around the wood well.
I let it just grow freely then broke one part off and put another bit of wood there and tied it on with white thread. Then the roots started to tie together, kinda, and it all just look like one now.
Some totally awesome ideas coming to my fish tank soon! Going to remove the blue gravel and replace it with sand then put slate on top of the sand. The reason for the sand is for the rooted plants to grow well in. I am then going to put some black backing on the back of the tank. I am thinking os some sort of bridge or something made with big bits of slate. Then various different plants. I will keep you all upto date.

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