Newly Discovered Catfish


Fish Gatherer
Jul 11, 2002
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Lastyear I had an opportunity to get a newly discovered catfish. My suppliers fisherman are calling it (for the time being) Megaladoras sp. "marble".

It has a marble pattern that can go from a dark gray to bright yellow when the mood strikes it. Well I ordered one along with a few other cats and as my luck (bad) would have the flight kept getting delayed and it took five days to reach my airport. Of course the fish were DOA!!

Well I again had a chance to get one and below is a pic. Very shy cat (for now) and hard to get decent pics of. The pic is of it showing the dark color.

We'll have to change your name to catfishmaster soon CM. Nice cat, big Doaradids are great fish.
We'll have to change your name to catfishmaster soon CM

CFC......When I aquired my 24" TSN and 28"niger I got bit bigtime by the catfish bug!! Only have two midas left both are my wifes (hence the reason I still have them) and two Pbass which will probably be up for sale soon.

Love those catfish!!!!

Wow that is awesome, maybe you could get some better shots and night when he's out and about?
I can have my supplier send you one next time he has them!!!! He ships worldwide!!

Just saw your from Australia. With all the regulations and everything probably cost ya a a LARGE fortune!!

Sorry bout that.
who did you say the supplier was? what species does he supply?
Interesting catfish, can you show me more pictures?
Very cool. :)

It seems this catfish bug is VERY catchy. I've seen many fish I can walk away from from, but the moment I see a catfish...I start setting up the tank in my head. LOL I'm, currently, searching from a pair of chacas, to go along with my one, so...I'm hoping for breeding. :)

I have a new saying...too many catfish, so little glass. LOL

Good luck with your new fish. I'm sure he'll give you lots of enjoyment. ;)

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