Newly Cycled Tank And Freshwater Shrimp

Fishin Pole

New Member
Feb 26, 2009
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So my 37 gallon hexagon tank has finally finished cycling and im going to the LFS tonight for the first shoal of tetras or rasboras to start the stocking of the tank.............My question is how long should i wait to put in a bunch of freshwater shrimp?.............I have a 30 with red cherry shrimp in and 3 different types of tetras, but that tank was established for 2 years when i introduced the reds to that tank........From what i read, i should wait till the tank is established to put the shrimp in..............What is an established time?........a month?....2 months?....Like i said, this tank just finished cycling and all the parameters are correct and heavily planted...
Firstly tetras generally prefer a mature cycled tank and you may find you have some losses if you put them in now.

Shrimp are sensitive to water quality so they also need a mature tank to be happiest. I reccomend you get 5 amano's they are hardy and will keep you clear of algaeuntil your tank has matured for approx 1-2 months depending on the health of the amano's then get cherries. Amanos won't grow past larval stage in a freshwater tank so you don't have to worry about a population explosion.
I dont know if this will make a diffrence in the maturity of the tank, but to boost the cycling i took some gravel from another tank of mine that has been runnning for 2 years now, and a filter sponge that i had in a canister filter to grow some biologicals...I used them both when cycling....Do you think what i did will help the maturation of the tank?............I know it speeded up the cycling, but in your honest opinion do you think it will be safe for the more sensitive tetras?............Maybe some small danios would be a better option?
If you don't mind accomodating danios I would get some of those or some guppies/endlers as they are generally a bit more colourful very hardy fish to. I would still do as I advised interms of timescale and you should know you should always build up your tank stock gradually....

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