newish tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2005
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:unsure: My dalmation mollie seems to be chasing or bullying my other fish ! my tank is new and still cycling and we did have two females for him ( as he is male ) but they both died the night we got them home so he's on his own . I have a sunburst platy and three diamond guppies , all are well and seem to be thriving but i am worried that the mollie is ' lonely ' any ideas ? :unsure:
you cold get him a female but he mightbully that livebearer tanks mollies are usually the boss but my male never botheres any of the others and leaves them all alone
My dalmation molly(Oreo) terrorized my fish so bad that I gave him to a friend with bigger fish and more mollies. I had hoped he would leave her fish alone, I was wrong. About 3 days after I gave him up he bullied the wrong fish, he got headbutted into the glass and died later that day. Oreo was just flat mean, I have another small orange molly who is as sweet as can be. I wish I knew what made him mean but, I won't be getting any more. I know this doesn't give you any answers but I thought you would like to know it's not just your dalmation.

BTW, watch your other fish closely, Oreo ate the fins of a few of my fish. One of them even has septicemia because of it.

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