Well...sadly, I was down to only one Betta Splendens. I know, the horrors.
But all my others had been getting up there in age, so I had a pretty big die-off in a 2 month period. That's when I got into Wild Bettas, so I've been concentrating on them lately. I went to my LFS today though, and looked in the Betta section. They had the cutest little ones there today. oh my gosh.
So of course, I got back into the Splendens. I've been missing them.
Anyway, here's my newest guy. Only one, because I want to get some from Aquabid eventually. I need naming ideas..my current thought is Rancher, because of blue skies on a ranch and ranch dressing..but I'm open to suggestions.
Admiring the wooden horse next to the tank:
He's a little cutie, huh?

Anyway, here's my newest guy. Only one, because I want to get some from Aquabid eventually. I need naming ideas..my current thought is Rancher, because of blue skies on a ranch and ranch dressing..but I'm open to suggestions.

Admiring the wooden horse next to the tank:

He's a little cutie, huh?