Newby say hello


New Member
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, England
Hi All,

Debbie and I (Ken) are looking forward to participating on this web site.

We never intended to keep fish. We moved into our new home in August 1998 (Hertfordshire, England) and were told "there are Goldfish in the garden pond if you want them". Being animal lovers, we said yes. We knew nothing about keeping fish but as time went by we discovered that the water quality of the pond was diabolical and some of the fish were ill. Rather than install pumps and filters, we decided to buy an aquarium and keep them in there. There were two goldfish and, what we though, was a fry. Turned out to be a Tench. All are now well. We have learnt that goldfish grow quickly and have since bought them a 400 Litre tank. The biggest is just over 30.5 cm in length and the Tench is catching-up rapidly.

The story would end there but, we volunteered to look after our neighbour’s tropical fish for three weeks - that was a week ago. We discovered that one of the fish was dead and another was seriously ill. The aquarium had been totally neglected (not intentionally) and was overstocked. Long story short - we bought a bigger aquarium and treated the ill fish, but sadly he was too far gone. We are now claiming ownership of the remaining fish as we think our neighbour will not be interested in having them back when they find out how much work they are.

So here we are. We have 2 Dwarf Congo Frogs, a Blue Gourami (opaline), a Moonlight Gourami and 3 X Corydoras (2 X Albino and 1 X Bronze) – at least, we think we have. We also have 2 unidentified fish - not for long we hope.

We want the best for them all and will leach information from everyone :)

Meanwhile, we hope to post piccies of the unidentified fish on this site.

Ken and Debbie.
Look forward to seeing the pics and good luck with them. Welcome to the forums.
Thanks for the welcome.

The piccies are up in the Newbies question section.

Now, let's see if I can get the right Smiley this time.

:hi: to the forums! You did a good thing rescueing those fish. This is a slightly evil idea, but to further discourage your neighbour from wanting the fish back, show or email them a 'short' bit of info on fishkeeping. Try to find the most tedious, long and confusing piece you can. :devil:
Hooked, another one bites the dust.
:hi: to the forum.

I'm beginning to think most of us are mad so hang around for a while and judge for yourself......... :crazy: :D
Well SPLiSH, we are now ofFISHally the new owners of our neighbour's aquarium fish and frogs.

"Evil", not a bit. Her head was spinning with technical information by the time I had finished. I then tugged on her sleeve and said "can we have them". She immediately said "Yes" and I must say, she looked very relieved!

Didn't offer to pay towards anything though. Still it was only £350.00 and two weeks lack of sleep. Anyway, who cares, they all have names now and we love them :wub:

Ken & Debbie.
:hi: Welcome to TFF!! We're glad to have members who care so much about our finned friends. I can tell you are going to have to watch out for MTS. It is a very contagious disease that seems to infect everyone on this forum eventually. There is no cure. :fish: :fish:

MTS - Multiple Tank Syndrome :rolleyes:
LOL, that was a lovely story and welcome to the both of you to the forum. I'll admit to being guilty of not understanding the commitment to fishkeeping that I'd need, but I got my act together quickly. Sounds like a nice little community you nabbed for yourself there. =3 Congrats and again, welcome!

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