Newby question on tank cycling


Fish Crazy
Apr 9, 2004
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Bought a Jebo R3126 about a week and a half ago. Great tank. 1270mm x 500mm x 600 mm. So a good size tank. Set it up with gravel drift wood and a heap of plants. Waited 3 days then added 14 neon tetras to help it start to cycle. 3 days latter a got given 3 butterfly cichlids to baby sit for a few weeks until my friend gets his bigger tank delivered.
MY question is:
I have been testing for amonium and nitrite every night for the last week and they are both still at zero. I thought by now i should be seeing some reading a least in the amonium yes or no?
is this usuall?

Yes , I would think that by now you'd be seeing some ammonia. Have you had your water tested by your lfs? Sometimes test kits are faulty... my nitrate kit is faulty... shows 0 when my lfs tests it at 30. I'd suggest taking a sample to your lfs and having them verify your results.

As far as your tank size, I don't know if my calcs are right, but is this around 100 US gallons? If so, it might take awhile for the small number of fish to cause the ammo to register, and that could also be why you're not seeing anything.

Just want to add also that neons are probably not the best fish for cycling. Hardy fish like danios or platties are a better choice. That said, it's possible to cycle with less hardy fish as long as you keep a very close eye on the ammo and nitrite levels, and do partial water changes when the levels get around 1.0.

Hope this helps... good luck!
Thanks heresmike

Yeah have taken to samples of water to the lfs and they tested ph amonium, nitrite and hardness and all the test came back the same as mine.
0 amonium and 0 nitrite

Should i add more fish?

was going to put in danios or platties but knowing my luck they would all survive and there not the type of fish i want for my tank.

Is there any other hardy fish i could put in maybe?
If so how many more?
The general rule of thumb for cycling with fish is one inch per 5 gallons of water. Not sure if my calcs are right on your tank size, so will have to leave that up to calc if you should add more fish. I can't really recommend any other really hardy fish to cycle with. Like I said, it's possible to cycle with less hardy fish, but you really have to keep an eye on those ammo and nitrite levels! :)
I have read of several people on this forum returning fish to their lfs for store credit for all kinds of reasons.(incompatible, too big, etc.) I would ask at your lfs, there is a good chance you could buy something hardy that you don't really want long term and as long as they are still in good health returning them for credit when finished. I would suggest some zebra danios. Extremely hardy (I have heard the comment that they could probably survive if put in pure acid), and you may just fall in love with them, I know I did. As they are very active and fun to watch.
Now there is a better suggestion yet. Do what Oscar says. I am in the middle of a fishless cycle myself. But if you still want to go with fish get danios and see if you can return them after your tank is cycled.
LoveMyOscar said:
I would just take all the fish back and do a fishless cycle. It will be much quicker and no fish will be stressed or harmed. :)
Actually I would do the same, I always fishless cycle. But since he already had the fish and had specific questions about it, I was trying to help with the his questions. ;)
Tested Tank again today and still 0 in both amonium and nitrite.
I cant get rid of the fish as there would be alot of kids not very happy when they found out.

Do i add a few more fish to the tank to get it cycling. the lfs said that because the tank is so large about 360litres about 80-100 gallons (im in australia so talking litres) and is heavily planted then that could explain the lack of both amonium and nitrite. They sugested adding more fish slowly at a time and see how it goes.

I want a second opinion.

what does everyone think?
heresmike said:
The general rule of thumb for cycling with fish is one inch per 5 gallons of water.
This is the rule of thumb I have heard most often as well. So based on that, I would think more fish are needed. So add some more hardy fish like the danios to get closer to the 1" per 5 gallon level. This should get your ammonia moving up. Just be sure to keep your ammonia and nitrites from going to high and harming your fish by doing water changes when they rise to high.
MadCow said:
I have read of several people on this forum returning fish to their lfs for store credit for all kinds of reasons.(incompatible, too big, etc.) I would ask at your lfs, there is a good chance you could buy something hardy that you don't really want long term and as long as they are still in good health returning them for credit when finished. I would suggest some zebra danios. Extremely hardy (I have heard the comment that they could probably survive if put in pure acid), and you may just fall in love with them, I know I did. As they are very active and fun to watch.
lol who cares about store credit on fish that are 50 cents each :p But anyways I agree with what they said about getting the Danios and then returning them.
canarsie11 said:
All you need is ammonia for fishless cycle? Or must you add some type of bacteria? :huh:
Yes canarsie11 ammonia is all that is needed for a fishless cycle. A bacteria source is extremely helpful and will speed the process considerably. I just finished my first fishless cycle. It took 2 weeks. I used a potted plant from my LPS and some gravel from an established tank in a media bag hung in the back of my tank. However a fishless cycle is out of the question for Cossack1977 so the only way to safely get the added ammonia needed is to add more fish.

StanTheBetta said:
lol who cares about store credit on fish that are 50 cents each But anyways I agree with what they said about getting the Danios and then returning them.
I know your post was in fun and I agree 50 cents is not much, but some of the younger ones on here are on a tight budget and returning 6-10 fish for 50 cents each gives them $3-$5 to put towards some fish they would rather keep long-term or some needed supplies. And more importantly gives the cycling fish a chance to go to a good long-term home. Instead of an early demise followed by the Royal Flush. :/

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