

Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2003
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Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Hi, well I just had a simple question. I have a 20 gallon which housed 2 goldfish and a pleco. The goldies died :( but the plecois all right. The tank is cycled and every thing(it's been like that for about 8 or 9 months). I was wondering what are some tropicals i can keep in my 20 gallon. How many? :dunno:
Hi Robert the list is endless what do like? perhaps come up with some combinations and post them and I'am sure you will get plenty of advice.

Is the pleco a common one because it is he will eventually outgrow your tank, and since you are having a new start now might be the best to move him on.

look forward to seeing your combinations

all the best

David :fish:
I suggest getting

5 platies (3 females 2 males)
5 guppies (3:1)
5 neons
5 tetras

It is kinda expensive so I would start with the livebearers (guppies/platies) and let them breed
Then maybe trade the babies for the neons and tetras

Also, dont add a large amount of fish all at once
Do it over time (a week per different species)
here's what i did. go to your lfs. see what they have (nothing worse than getting your heart set on a fish and then cant find it anywhere). write down names. then go online and do a bit of research, list ones you like here, then we can try to help you set up the best tank for the fish youre interested in.
the worst i found was when i went into the lfs and was told i could now have fish.... yuh ok where do u start!!!!

the first thing i did was grap the assistant by the wrist and dragged her round pointing out what i wanted i pointed out 7-8 types she just shook her head... one of them id picked out was the siamese fighter.... turns out u cant have certain fish with it... also turns out it was every single one id picked!!

i wanted fan tailed guppies ummm big no no, she said they would fight as soon as look at each other... i wanted tiger barbs same thing.... i wanted crabs.. she asked me if i was having my fighter for crab food! :blink: in the end i settled for basicaly what i have in my list...

its hard but if u have a good lfs assistant and these guys on here ull do great :D :thumbs: :cool: have fun searchin for what u want :)

Dawn xx
I have a 20G planted tank with a huge filter, so mine is overstocked, but you can check out my sig to see what is in there. My favorite fish are definitely the cardinal tetras. They are an absolutely gorgeous splash of color schooling around the tank. I think a nice size school of fish, one spotlight fish like a gourami and something to clean the glass and bottom of the tank is a good start. Shrimp do a great job picking up scraps and if you don't have plants a few apple snails can clean the glass, these don't count in the inch per gallon rule so they are really handy. Even though your tank was cycled with the goldfish, I'd add the fish very slowly to let the bacteria catch up with the increase bioload.
Hi Robert :)

First let me inquire about the goldfish: why did they die? If it was a disease that could still be in the tank (like ich) you will need to give it more than just a normal cleaning or it could be passed on to your new fish. :eek:

A twenty gallon tank is a nice size and will make a beautiful home for a good selection of tropicals. You will need a heater, which you may not have needed with the goldfish, and you can add some plants which will make it lovely. Other than that, the tank, having already been cycled, should be ready to go. :thumbs:

You will have to reconsider the pleco, however. It will just be too big for your tank. :X If it is more than 2 or 3 inches now it is already getting big for that size tank with other fish.

You might want to consider a pair of dwarf gouramis for the top of the tank, 6 to 8 glowlight tetras for the middle and 3 corydoras catfish for the bottom.

Good luck. :D

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