hi anyone...everyone, had kept tropical for quite a few years and now wish to start with marine..i have read a bit looked up a bit and heard a bit! however still confused . i wish to set up to start a fish only marine tank of 150 litres i intend to use live rock in the required poundage an external filter tetra tec and possibly a protein skimmer red sea prizm...now the questions: do i need the skimmer as my local shop says no and he has a number of marine tanks with undergravel filter only circa 18 years!! when do i put the cured live rock in? do i use lighting with this or not during maturing process?
two 24 inch t5 will i need more to keep the live rock? if i decide to change to some easier inverts later will i need more light reason only 24 inch, tank is 31 inch long. but quite tall thats where the 33 gallons comes from. also the tank has an internal filtration system but it only does 400 litre an hour i understand it requires at least 10 times per hour help please
two 24 inch t5 will i need more to keep the live rock? if i decide to change to some easier inverts later will i need more light reason only 24 inch, tank is 31 inch long. but quite tall thats where the 33 gallons comes from. also the tank has an internal filtration system but it only does 400 litre an hour i understand it requires at least 10 times per hour help please