Newbie To Marine


New Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Im thinking about getting a reef tank and was thinking of buying a tank of this size 48x24x18 from ebay. I was wondering if that would be a good size for a marine newbie? :blush:
Sounds great :) Bigger tanks are way easier from a stability and chemistry stnadpoint although they are more difficult from a cost standpoint ;). Do you have any ideas on what you want to keep fish wise?
Whats that, about 60 uk gallons

Not a bad size IMO
Do you have any ideas on what you want to keep fish wise?

Im not to sure at the moment i was thinking two clown fish and maybe a blue tang and a clean up crew
what choices do you think are best for a newbie? :D
Chac thats 20736 cubic inches otherwise known as 74.746025824 gallon [UK] and 89.766233766 gallon [US, liquid] :good:.

With a tank that size you could house a tang or two and clowns for sure. Might want to also consider wrasses, angels, or anthias. Are you going for fish-only or a reef? And have you considered filtration?
Sounds a good size for a newbie, I am new too and mines a little smaller than your tank.

But I wouldnt go with a tang as I think they need more room. I have just bought a book off amazon which details the different types of fish so I can make my stocking choices. I think this is a good tip.

Are you going for fish-only or a reef? And have you considered filtration?

I was thinking of reef! I have read a little on this site but got a bit confused about how filtration works in marine tanks any advice?
The tank i was thinking of buying comes with a sump aswell i was planning on getting a tank then buying each bit i need bit by bit. :D thanks for the replys
If it comes with a sump then you're in great shape for a reef setup :). Filtration in the saltwater world is accomplished using Live Rock. The benefits of LR are many but siffice it to say, LR IS the best filtration money can buy. No canister filters or UGF's are used just LR and powerheads. With a sump you can setup a refugium for nutrient export too :good:. The only thing we use man-made for filtration really is a protein skimmer.

These issues are all really complex and you'll prolly want to start doing a lot of research. Make sure you check out the stickies at the top of this section to get a better grasp on things and make sure you ask questions when something doesnt make sense. We're here to help :D 8)

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