Newbie Shrimp Keeper


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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So I bought some shrimp to go into my 40L tank
They've all taken a liking to my rock I had for my betta, Which is near the surface. Is there any reason at all for this?

Fairly sure there amano shrimp
It's a heater suction cup with a rock stuck on it. It was ment for my betta to chill on but the shrimp prefer it anyway.
Okay,After looking I noticed that the shrimp are impossible to breed in tanks and will be ordering cherry shrimp instead!
Doh, My bad for not doing my research again!
Cherry shrimp seem pretty hardy and easy to breed though. More my thing it seems.
theres nicer shrimp than just cherrys, and amanos cannot breed in FW, although they are great algae eaters, they eat hair algae, where as cherrys dont 
The cherries will be smaller and more of a temptation of snacking for the betta although from talking to ya, your betta is very laid back.  LOL  You will like the amano shrimp though.  Even though they don't have the filter fan legs like some other shrimp, they do like to "filter feed" from the water column which is easier up higher in the tank hence why they like to be up top on the rock.  
You know what do breed easily? Red clawed macros. Look a bit like ghost/glass shrimp when young...

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