Newbie Saltwater Mixing Question


Fish Crazy
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, UK

I have all the kit to mix saltwater, but I'm not entirely sure how to do it. I know that 32g to 35g per litre, and I now have a 24g D&D nano (90 Litre). It doesn't have a protein skimmer, and there's no live rock in the tank, so I'll do a more substantial water change each week. I was thinking about a 25% (22.5 litres) per week.

I have: -

RO machine
1 x 25 L RO container
sea salt (tropic marin)
air stone and heater for the RO container

I'm thinking of putting in 22.5 litres of water into the container, with a jug, and then marking off the 22.5 point on the container. Each week i can then set the RO machine going to generate 22.5 Ls of water, switch on the air stone and the heater after some water has collected, and then add say 32 x 22.5 grams of salt.

Question - will the air stone alone be sufficient to help the salt mix? Or will a power head be needed? What is the target SG I'm aiming for? How closely to the SG need to match the tanks SG? Once the water appears to be right, can it be poured into the tank, or does it need to be slowly added?

I'm hoping to get a system in place so that mixing the salt is quick and easy.


I have all the kit to mix saltwater, but I'm not entirely sure how to do it. I know that 32g to 35g per litre, and I now have a 24g D&D nano (90 Litre). It doesn't have a protein skimmer, and there's no live rock in the tank, so I'll do a more substantial water change each week. I was thinking about a 25% (22.5 litres) per week.

I have: -

RO machine
1 x 25 L RO container
sea salt (tropic marin)
air stone and heater for the RO container

I'm thinking of putting in 22.5 litres of water into the container, with a jug, and then marking off the 22.5 point on the container. Each week i can then set the RO machine going to generate 22.5 Ls of water, switch on the air stone and the heater after some water has collected, and then add say 32 x 22.5 grams of salt.

Question - will the air stone alone be sufficient to help the salt mix? Or will a power head be needed? What is the target SG I'm aiming for? How closely to the SG need to match the tanks SG? Once the water appears to be right, can it be poured into the tank, or does it need to be slowly added?

I'm hoping to get a system in place so that mixing the salt is quick and easy.


Hiya lgarvey,

The salt to ro ratio is dependant on the salt that you are using. Your salt should have come with instructions and the right measurements. If you are looking for a fish only tank then your specific gravity levels should read at 1.020 - 1.024 ppm. For reef tanks it should range between 1.023 and 1.026 ppm. You need to heat the water to the correct parametres - about 26 initially in order to accuratley test the salt levels. The salt SG and the tank SG should be pretty closely matched and also remember that salt levels in your tank go up, not down over time due to evaporation. Water evaporates, salt does not.

As this is the initial set up then you are quite safe to mix straight into the tank but you may wish to consider getting a water butt and a spare heater for future mixes. As for the skimmer - you wouldn't really even need to switch that on on the initial set up but it's best you get one before you add the live stock.

Have I forgotten anything? Good luck to you. I am also setting up a nano at the minute but I have kept Marines before so if you need anything or have a crisis just PM lol
:hi: to the salty side.

Yes yo will need a powerhead and heater for mixing the salty stuff but as already said you can mix the first batch in the tank :good:

Seffie x

I have just done what SeffieUk has suggested. You can get a cheap one one ebay (got my for £5), its alot easier to mix with power head & less time consuming. Let the waterheat up first & then wack teh powerhead on & slowly add the salt, it worked for me :good:
I have just done what SeffieUk has suggested. You can get a cheap one one ebay (got my for £5), its alot easier to mix with power head & less time consuming. Let the waterheat up first & then wack teh powerhead on & slowly add the salt, it worked for me :good:

Thanks guys that's really helpful. I have an airstone, powerhead and heater so I can hook them up and add the salt to the container.

Unfortunately it's a new tank, but it's already got two maroon clownfish and a royal gramma in it. As I mentioned in a previous post ,the tank which I bought , which was already established, cracked and flooded my livingroom. SO I had to dash out and buy a new nano tank (£550 on fish equipment in under a week =( ). I put the fish in with the water and the old filter, but there's a ammonia spike and the fish are suffering.

Fortunately I went to the LFS and got some replacment water and some ammo lock, and I'm quickly making/mixing my own water now so I can keep up daily water changes.

I just hope the biological filter isn't totally wasted and things get back on track soon.

Question about the temperature - if the tank is currently 25 deg, am I OK to get the water up to 25 deg before testing the SG.. or does it need to be 26? Perhaps the tank should be at 26?


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