Newbie questions


New Member
Nov 18, 2003
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I just set up my new tank for about 3 days. My tank is 50 gallons. Here are my spec:

100lbs of live Fiji rock
3 bags of live sand
Aquaclear Pro 150 wet/dry with skimmer build in.

I've been feeding the live rock CaribSea AragaMIGHT for 2 days.

With combine of live rock and live sand, is it my tank cycle already?

Also, what kind of testing should I do? I know in fresh water, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite need to be tested. What about saltwater?

one more thing. What is the temp for a tank with reef, coral and fish?

As far as temperature goes it's somewhere between 70-85 depending upon your fish (fish at 70 aren't very colorful though). :p

As far as testing goes test for Am, Ni, and Na, you also need to test for salinity (10.24-10.5) and ph (8.0-8.5)

As far as cycling goes why dont you check. go out and get a jug of clear ammonia and add what you need to to reach 5 ppm then test for the level 24 hr's later if its 0 test for nitrites and if they are 0 too you are set.

can i use the same ammonia testing kit i have for my fresh water and test it?
Yes, you can use the same test kit for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

I keep my aquarium at around 75 degrees. If you have it too high, you start getting a lot of algae growing. Unless you have snails, dwarf angels, or tangs, you're going to have to either leave it alone or scrub it off of the sides (which is a big pain if you get a lot).
You CANNOT neccesarlily use the same testing kit for freshwater as you do marine, it needs to specify that on the packaging (some use reagents that do not react well with salt)
turn out it didn't work so i have to buy the new kit for saltwater. :(
Yellow, You will not be able to add fish for a while yet. Do not add ammonia, your live rock will have enough die off on it from shipping abd transportation to provide a good cycle.

You WILL go through an algae bloom before all is said and done, and this is much easier to combat without having fish occupying your tank.

Once your parameters are stabilizes you can start adding crabs and snails. Resist the urge to add damsels just because they are a hardy fish and can do well in a new tank.


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