Newbie Question


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2008
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hello everyone,
I am a newbie to fishkeeping. I think I may have some kind of algae in my tank, no live plants, and I am wondering if someone can point me in the direction of where to go to find out more about it and what I need to do to clear it up..

Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it.
I had really bad Alage problems in my 55 gallon.. Some floating.. lots on the side of the glass.. I put in a UV light and i would say within 3 or 4 days all of the floating algae was gone. i would have to scrub the side algae off then it would get killed.. I honestly have never had a problem since.
I know a lot of different UV lights are someone cheap now.. Mine was only a 9 watt on a 55 gallon and it did the trick.
so what sort of algae do you have?
please describe it so we can work out what it is.
so what sort of algae do you have?
please describe it so we can work out what it is.

Hi. Thanx for the reply.

I am not sure if I have an algae or if this is a problem with my gravel or maybe both.. I bought this blue gravel for my tank. I did thoroughly rinse it out b4 I put it in the tank and it has been in the tank for about 3 weeks. My tank is small (10 gallons) so I have had to do everyday or every other day partial water changes and I have been siphoning out the gravel with each change. Well I have been having a terrible time with blue dust! Every time I clean the tank a huge could of blue dust will rise into the water.
A couple days ago I noticed this thick blue looking strand on the side of my tank. It was the same color as all the nasty 'dust' in my tank and almost look like debris. I took it out and then scraped the tank glass. Noticed this a few more times in the days to follow. Yesterday, I was having a terrible time with the dust and noticed that even my aerobic sponge (forgive me if I am calling it the wrong name. It is the sponge that is infront of my filter cartridge in my Whisper filter) was just covered in this blue dust stuff! I had to take it out and clean it with tap water ( I know, a major no no, but I thought that maybe cleaning that crap of the sponge would help clear out that dust. I tried cleaning it with tank water but the dust wouldn't come off unless I had more water pressure) then I changed my filter cartridge as I was doing another 25% PWC and today my tank is almost crystal clear and so far no more of that blue algea looking stuff. ( my ammonia levels have been fine the past 3 days)

Have you ever heard of an algea being like a globlike strand of dark blue? Is this possible blue/green algae or do you think this might be some weird side effect to this gravele trouble I am having?

Also, I have a 55 gallon tank that I am getting read ot set up. Do you have a gravel that you recommend? I don't want to have to deal with this problem in my new tank..

Thanx so much for any an all help.
Not sure about other parts of the world, but blue gravel is notorious for problems around here. If there is blue colouring coming off the gravel then the dye/ paint has not been cured properly.

Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) can be dark blue, dark green, black, brown or red in colour. Sometimes even a combination of these colour. It feels and looks like slime and grows very rapidly. It can double its size every day. You can often lift it off the gravel and sheets of it float around until they get caught on something.
It generally grows in tanks with lots of nutrients and low oxygen levels. But sometimes will appear in new clean tanks and hang around for a bit before disappearing.
Not sure about other parts of the world, but blue gravel is notorious for problems around here. If there is blue colouring coming off the gravel then the dye/ paint has not been cured properly.

Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) can be dark blue, dark green, black, brown or red in colour. Sometimes even a combination of these colour. It feels and looks like slime and grows very rapidly. It can double its size every day. You can often lift it off the gravel and sheets of it float around until they get caught on something.
It generally grows in tanks with lots of nutrients and low oxygen levels. But sometimes will appear in new clean tanks and hang around for a bit before disappearing.

Thanx much for the info. Do you think I should remove this gravel from my tank? I was hoping to be able to leave it until my new tank was ready (which will NOT be having blue gravel in it! ). The gravel dust isn't dangerous for my fish is it? I have 2 goldfish.
if there are fish in there and they are swimming around and feeding ok, then it is fine. If the fish aren't feeding or not looking happy, then remove the gravel and do some big water changes.
if there are fish in there and they are swimming around and feeding ok, then it is fine. If the fish aren't feeding or not looking happy, then remove the gravel and do some big water changes.

Thanx so much again. They seem fine and I am testing the water atleast once daily. Today the water is crystal clear but I am afraid when I have to do my next water change the dust cloud will reappear... GRRRR!!! Can't wait to get my new tank set up..
if there are fish in there and they are swimming around and feeding ok, then it is fine. If the fish aren't feeding or not looking happy, then remove the gravel and do some big water changes.

Do you think that my having to rinse my aerobic sponge in tap water, change my filter cartridge along with the 25%PWC that I have started my nitrogen cycle all over?
yep, very possibly it has messed up the filters. Just monitor the ammonia and nitrite levels and keep the feeding down for a couple of weeks. The tank will settle down again soon.

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