I have just inherited a tank with fish (Biorb 30L, 1 angelfish, 1 common plec and 3 rasboras)
I have never had fish before so I am reading up as much as I can but I have noticed the plec has a pale patch on its chest.
I am not sure if this has come on on the last few days since I have had the fish.
I kept about a third to half the original water and have added some plants. There was only some glass beads and a couple of stones in there when i got it so I added plants and made some caves for the fish to hide in.
tetra test 6 in 1 reads...
NO3 50 (25 yesterday!)
NO2 1
GH 16
KH 3
PH 6.4 (6.8 yesterday)
CL2 0
I was expecting adding the plants (tape grass) to lower the nitrates. could the wife adding her shell be doing it? and also could that be making it more acidic?
any way, here's the plec.
I have just inherited a tank with fish (Biorb 30L, 1 angelfish, 1 common plec and 3 rasboras)
I have never had fish before so I am reading up as much as I can but I have noticed the plec has a pale patch on its chest.
I am not sure if this has come on on the last few days since I have had the fish.
I kept about a third to half the original water and have added some plants. There was only some glass beads and a couple of stones in there when i got it so I added plants and made some caves for the fish to hide in.
tetra test 6 in 1 reads...
NO3 50 (25 yesterday!)
NO2 1
GH 16
KH 3
PH 6.4 (6.8 yesterday)
CL2 0
I was expecting adding the plants (tape grass) to lower the nitrates. could the wife adding her shell be doing it? and also could that be making it more acidic?
any way, here's the plec.