Newbie On 34 Gallon?


New Member
Jan 24, 2007
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I have been thinking about setting up a 75 gal. marine/reef tank and then I ran across this 34g tank on Drs. Fosters and Smith

picture and discription of set up

Red Sea MAX 34-Gallon Reef Aquarium System
* Complete reef aquarium with advanced lighting, filtration, and control systems
* High-output 110-watt 50/50 compact fluorescent lighting
* 3-stage filtration and high output protein skimmer

I know it is not recommended that beginners start small but this set up seems a lot less complicated and I was wanting to get some feed back on what you all think.
that looks like an alright tank. never got a nano cube or anything like that so i dunno what's good or not but i started with a 30 gallon long and its going pretty well except that after 6 months im upgrading to a bigger tank so IMO start with a desent sized tank cause you dont want to spend all that money on a nano than spend more later on for a bigger tank. lucky i can just use my 30 gal for the sump :)
Those red sea tanks are of high quality, have some extra not so useful equipment, are reliable tanks, and are a bit pricey. They're decent options for a beginning aquarist provided he/she can afford it and is willing to accept the fact that he/she may out-grow the tank in short order :lol:

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