New Member
I got the tank about a month ago. I let the water cycle with 1 zebra for a few days then I added 2 platies, 1 silver molly, 1 black molly, and another zebra
. I have live plants (1 sword, 1 moneywort, 2 grass-like plants) that are turning brown (19 watt fluoroscent, 24 inch - LFS carries only 20 watt 24").
When the water was 3 weeks old, I changed 40% of it (I got this from some website which I have been unable to relocate).
I also scraped off a lot of brown algae clinging to the walls of tank. There's still a lot on the rocks.
One of my platies which seemed quite healthy has died. The rocks are growing algae. My mollies are swimming irregularly (upwards, sudden stops and starts, laying on the ground motionless...).
I don't have a test kit. I don't think I'll be able to afford one. Please tell me what to do for the tank to become stable. When should I do the next water change? Should I scrape off algae or let it sit? If anybody knows a good website help me out here.
When the water was 3 weeks old, I changed 40% of it (I got this from some website which I have been unable to relocate).

One of my platies which seemed quite healthy has died. The rocks are growing algae. My mollies are swimming irregularly (upwards, sudden stops and starts, laying on the ground motionless...).

I don't have a test kit. I don't think I'll be able to afford one. Please tell me what to do for the tank to become stable. When should I do the next water change? Should I scrape off algae or let it sit? If anybody knows a good website help me out here.