NEwbie Needs Help..

Jul 25, 2005
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alright. i tested my 40g with a 5 test n 1 strip quick dip.

my nitrate is around 20-40

nitrite is lookin like 10.0 (BAD)

total harness is reading 75

total alkalinity is around 120and my PH is lookin mor elike 7.8

how do i lower these? wat needs to be lowerd? HELP!! :(
How did you dip the strip? You should dip the end and let the water seep up the strip! :) Make sure you read the instructions lol, and do the test as they have told you! :nod: (Not trying to be rude :D )

The dipping strips are not as accurate as the liquid tests. If you can, id recomend buying a set, or if they are too expensive, buy pH, Nitrate and Nitrite! :)

I think yourfish would be dead or seriously un-healthy looking if those were your actual readins. Are you cycling? How long has it the tank been set-up? Who is in it?
i don't think the water seeps up the strips..they're plastic, they were expensive enough at 155 bux, they have foam pads or w/e. yea the tank has ben set up for 3 days. it was set up b4 but i had a rill bank first tank bacteria problem. so i got the fish out n put them n a 10g and drained the water,cleaned the gravel, yea re filled,let it run. put some chemicals n there ot make tap water safe for fish. yea i have 2 red belly pirahnas,1 silver dollar,1 needle fish, and 24 rosey reds for the needlefish to make dinner out of, theres also a catfish and a sucker fish n there. wats cycliing? change'n the water?
Do some reserch on the fish you have, look through the link Tolak just gave you, and read up on cycling. There is some great explanations in this forum abaout cycling! :D
thanks guy's and btw..the water doens't "seep" up the strips. i WAS doing it right by dipping the whole thing n the water. wiating 30 seconds and take'n the nitrate sample and then waiting 60 seconds for the PH. im not so dumb after all..*clears throat

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