newbie needs advise AGAIN


New Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Near chicago illinois usa
two things please!! Whats the big thing with pumps?? Im setting up a 90 gal just wondering if its a necesity.

What about the sustrate? ive read some stuff on a product called Arag-Alive has anyone heard of it? It claims to come water packed with bacteria to reduce cycling time. Seems a little price but if it could help with fishless cycling it might be worth it. :dunno: :dunno: :fun:
Pumps are to help circulate water and avoid 'dead' areas. In a 90 gallon, this might be a good idea as the filtration might not produce enough current alone.

The gravel stuff probably wont work. The only product that has been proven to sometimes work is bio spira.

I reccomend you go for sand BTW - I know you might be already though - as you'll deffinately find yourself wanting to switch to it eventualy.
I dont have any pumps in my 90g and circulation is just fine...i'm thinking of getting a powerhead when I switch to sand though just to keep things going smoothly
Pumps are one of those gadgets that old timers remember from the days before power filters, when even HOB filters were run by them. They are still one of the handiest accessories around.

They are probably most often used, these days, to run airstones and air powered aquarium toys such as spinning wheels. They can also be used to run sponge filters and box filters.

They are not expensive and come in all sizes. The best ones have 2 outlets and are quiet. If you need a little extra filtration, attach a box filter to one and fill it with filter floss. If you have one of these little filters running already, and it's laden with beneficial bacteria, you can quickly set up a hospital or quarantine tank, or even a breeding tank. :thumbs:

Here is a link that shows some of the ones available:

I prefer the Stellar W-60 because it is very quiet and it's powerful for its size. I just bought one from my lfs for $14.99, which is less that the price listed on the website. This model is powerful enough to run up to 6 airstones and/or filters, but smaller ones are available too. :D

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