Newbie Messup Standing Up to the Challenge

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New Member
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
South Cal.
:thumbs: Hello, Everyone
Thought I'd join in on some discussions so that I can learn more about the new pets I have come to love :wub: My hubby bought me a 29gln. tank for my birthday in April :cool: Needsless to say we made a big mistake and stocked the tank 4 days after we set it up :*) We stayed within the 1" of fish per gln of H2O. Some of the fish got what I think was fungus (white cottony patches) on them :sick: I treated the tank and lo and behold they started to die. Only the placostamus and my blue dwarf gourami lived, but the placostamus died later. It was really sad because my black molly had just spawned and we lost her and her 13 fry too. Well here it is Sept and Blue (the BDG) is still alive :D We have since went a little slower and restocked slower. But we did jump a little fast again. We added 1 red dwarf gourami and waited a week. We then added 1 black molly, 1 red platy, and 4 zebra danios. Everyone got along fine at first but the betta my hubby insisted on started attacking everyone so I removed him to his own bowl. He died 4 days later, I think he had fungus. So I retreated my tank. It's been 2 weeks since he died and the other fish are doing great except it seems that the platy has some white spots that won't go away even with treating the tank. Everyone is lively and eating well :cool: So today, I got fish happy as I want a beautiful and healthy tank and bought a banded gourami, 2 golden barbs, 2 tiger barbs and a pink kissing gourami :*) AHHHH! I must have read wrong cause I've done some reading and found that the pink gourami might grow 3-10". That will push the fish to gln. ratio off. Is taht true. Another thing is is that I think all of my gouramis are male. None of my local stores carry females :S I don't understand. So far no problems with them hurting eachother. And a weird thing is the pink gourami is schooling with the 4 barbs. Meaning he isn't chasing them he's following or joing them :look: I was thinking about adding another molly and platy and stopping there. If you have any advice PLEASE give it to me. Oh yeah, one day I do hope to have a 150gln. tank and at least a small tank in every room. I got a lot to learn so teach on. Be Safe, Lyz :nod: ps. is it okay to buy fish online?
:hi: to TFF vivaciousassets. :)

Sorry to hear about your losses. :rip: fishies. Yep, the pink kisser will grow to about 8-10 inches.

Once you get the 150 gal I'd reccommend you transfer some of the fish to it.
Notice how you keep getting fungus. You're doing something wrong. Your fish are stressed (You can't keep ONE platy) and you might not be maintaining a stable temperature or properly acclimating new fish.
Hi and welcome to the forum. :hi:

There are a lot of very knowledgable people here that can help you sort things out. Here is a good site with lots of info on fish diseases, causes and cures.
Hi and welcome

When adding fish you have to take into account the adult size of the fish. Posting your concerns in the relevent sections will get you some great responses and help you to enjoy this hobby. :)
:* Hi,
I have a mercury thermometer in the tank that reads about 80 constinetly. I keep thinking that they are getting fungus so I've been treating with a fungus killer for fish tanks of course. I was doing the 25% H2O change like recommended but stopped cause I thought maybe that was killing them or getting them sick. I just treated 2 weeks ago and am wondering if I should do a 25 or 50% H2O change and retreat. What do you think? I want my new pets to live long happy lives. What's a good source for beginner info?
Be Safe,
PS. forgot to add thatI have 3 air(bubble) features placed apart and in different areas.

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