Newbie Lighting Question


New Member
Nov 24, 2008
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Los Angeles
I've had platies for a couple of months and they love the fluorescent lighting in my 20 gallon. But I recently got a BN pleco, who is the exact opposite. This morning I put a square of tin foil on the glass just under the light, and it creates a nice "overcast" look. But I'm worried the foil will reflect upward and overheat the lamp. Does anyone have experience with muting their lamps like this, and what works best/safest?

Thank you!
fluorescent lighting doesn't create much heat, I wouldn't be concerned with overheating. How far is the foil from the light? Have you looked at different wattages? You could consider creating sheltered areas within the tank for him to hide while the lights are on.
Floating weed/plants?
What makes you say the BN doesn't like the light? Plecos like a bit of cover anyway and it is more likely that if you put some shelter within the tank you wouldn't see a huge amount of him!!!

Try a large cave or something then you can see him in it whilst the lights are on!!

if you only have one, and there is cover in the tank. it would be surprising if you saw it much at all! i would imagine this would be even more true of a newly introduced fish.
Pleaco dont like the light as a rule their more nocturnal and like some bog wood or caves of some sort to hide in.

This would be the best way then u can have the light anf still give cover to the pleco's
Not necessarily!!!

Here are some pics of mine from my previous scape(s) rubbsish camera in pics 2,3,4 makes the tnak look darker than it is :):




yes as said above plecos are nocturnal
Not necessarily!!!

I'm sure truckasauras123 meant "many". he did point out he agreed with helterskelter. I have two commons, one albino one not. the albino is day guy, vanishing at night for the most part, the dark one is a night lover! i never see my two BN's, well almost, I know they are alive and healthy

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