Newbie here. This board is excellent!!!


New Member
Apr 29, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Kentucky
Well just thought that I would say hello and introduce myself. My name is Chris and I am a 22 year old college student from Kentucky. I have been into fish keeping for the past few years. I have a couple interesting fish in my tank. I posted the pics of my aquarium and my fish in the appropriate section. You should all go and check it out and let me know what you think. It might be best to use the yahoo link because people have been having difficulty with the others. anyway let me know what you think.

HiYa and :hi: chris :thumbs:

The pics look good - you like the aggressive ones :grr: ;)

I do like the aggressive ones. But one would think with all of these aggressive fish that there would be some fights in the tank. But there have been no fights at all. All fish get along great.

I have had the peacock bass for about 3 months and they haven't really grown that much. I just started feeding them some beefheart. So hopefully now they will start to grow a little bit more.

I would have to say that my favorite fish out of them all is the pike cichlid. He is cool and very nice looking. He is not aggressive. I have read many places that say that they are extremely aggressive. Some people even say that they are not good aquarium fish. But I love him. :nod:

But thanks for the compliment on the aquarium. They are always welcome. :D

:nod: Welcome to the site mate

I have only recently become a member and am also 22 so we have a lot in commom

Your tank looks cool

I willpost pics of mine when i get chance

Good luck


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