Newbie Here... Any Ideas What This Is?

New Member
Oct 6, 2007
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Hi all,

This is the first of many questions I have on what things are. I have recently bought a shed-load of live rock and I would like to identify the growths etc. they have on them. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I wish to identify the barnicle clam type thing in the centre of the pic... any ideas?


Sam :)
Looks like some type of clam /bivalve Filter feeder and nothing to worry about, but get some finegar squirted in thoughs pest glass anenome before they take over your tank :crazy:
Looks like some type of clam /bivalve Filter feeder and nothing to worry about, but get some finegar squirted in thoughs pest glass anenome before they take over your tank :crazy:


Thank you for your reply. So how long do the clams live for? What do they eat etc? I thought those anenome were kinda cute... why are they considered a pest?

Sam :)
Anenome answered on other post:)
Clams I have no idea how long they live to be honest, they feed by filtering tiny particles out of the water. If they get moved to an area they are not happy with they will up sticks and move to a better feeding spot.

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