Newbie has a question about Tigerbarbs


New Member
Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Hi all,

I just started the hobby about a month ago and I never realized it was so enjoyable. :kana:

I have 6 tiger barbs (2 of each) in a community tank (29gal).

Anyway, my wife and I just got home (it's 9:30pm) and I turned on the aquarium light and noticed that my Greenies have changed color! They're supposed to be a dark green, almost dark blue in color but they were a weak, almost see-thru light green.

My wife was sooo worried! (me too, of course!)

We also noticed that they were "zinging" back and forth from one end of the tank to the other end. They were zinging extremely fast. Did I mention they were zinging VERY fast? I have never seen them move so fast before. (is this behavior ok?)

Well, after observing them for a while, one of the Greenies almost instantaneously changed back to it's normal, dark color. (yea! whew!)

But the other one is still very light in color. It's been almost an hour now and he's still the same.

What is going on?

The only thing I can think of is that we're normally home around this time and the house is usually brightly lit up. Did the darkness cause this? I've never seen them between the hours of 12am to 6am so I have no idea. I have read alot about Tiger Barbs but I never heard of them changing color due to darkness.

I just took some pics and I got a couple decent shots of the 2 of them as proof/record.

Any info would be great!


I just picked up some tiger barbs (silver/gold w/black stripes) from the lfs. When I was scouting them out at the lfs I came across a tank with the green barbs in them. The school of green barbs were swimming mighty fast from one end of the tank to the other....MIGHTY FAST..... I gather your barbs are "normal" As for the color...I am not quite sure, maybe the need the light to enhance their colors. They could have the same characteristics of the red dog-wood plant that needs direct sunlight to keep it red, plant it in the shade and it eventally turns green. A quick fact from the horticulture side.
If the tank was in total darkness and then suddenly turned the tank light on, the colours would be pale and faded out but should return to normal after 1/2 hr, as for the zipping its just normal flight or fight behaviour. I notice this with my neons and cardinal tetras they always look wishy washy pink and clear blue but soon perk after sometime.

Try lighting the room first when u come in for 1/2 hr and then turn lights on. Thats what i do and it helps them to adjust easily.

Nothing to worry about!!!!!!!!

Thanks guys!

I kinda figured it was the darkness that made them lighter but I wasn't sure. I'm still not 100% sure but this is something I will be watching for more often. And since they're A-OKAY now, I'm not as stressed.

One of these days, I guess I'll have to check them out in the middle of the night when I'm getting a midnight snack!

Happy fish keeping!


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