Newbie Alert


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Sorry Meant NITRITE :fun:

B) Hi Everybody another Newbie here! A week ago I bought a second hand Juwel Vision 180 Aquarium, I have had gravel,plants and water in for a week now and have started to test the water. PH Level was too high so treated with PH Down and will test again soon, Amonia is spot on but then I have NO fish at present so I presume thats likely! :S My Nitrite level is way too high though and need to know a way of controlling it. Should I be doing partial water changes on a daily basis at present or will that stop the filter from ageing properly, have treated the water to take out any signs of Chlorine etc and I have also put in some fertiliser for the living plants.

Tank is looking superb!, well happy with it, I also added a seperate pump with some large airstones (Mainly for visual impact!). Things are going along nicely apart from the Nitrite levels so would love some suggestions on that please.

I am waiting a while before I put Fish in, waiting until the water is spot on and then introduce some slowly ALTHOUGH I have been told to introduce some hardy fish now! Seems a tad early to me but have been told it will help the filter age

Many thanks guys
Hi Jez :)

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

I'll be looking forward to seeing your posts. :thumbs:

I will also move your thread to the Beginners forum where you will be helped to get your tank off to a great start. :D
I'm wondering the same thing. Unless your tap water has nitrite, which is very unlikely. And why dont you read the 'Avoiding and Treating New Tank Syndrome' at the top of the beginners section.

Also, how high exactly was your pH before you altered it? It can be more trouble than it's worth to adjust pH. -_-

You're going tho have to add something to your tank or it's not going to do anything. At the momment your tank is just a load of declorinated tap water going round and around. Once you add a couple of hardy fish you will introduce ammonia into your system and this is when your filter will start to mature. Until such time, no bacteria are going to colanise your tank.


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