Newbee - Few Clarifications


New Member
Apr 24, 2004
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I am very new to pet fish...

I have a small tank 11 x 6 x 7 inch [I think it is 2 gallons] that already have about 5 small fish, I have a Air Pump too... Sweet Water..

I need to know the following:

1) Should I keep the air pump on all the time?
2) How often I need the change the water?
3) Is there any way to make home make feeds for the fish?

Do you not have a filter? If you had a filter the air pump could be turned off at night for example but there needs to some surface agitation of the water so you shouldn't turn it off unless your feeding the fish.

As for water changes, I do 20% weekly but it is dependent on your parameters (amonia, nitrIte and nitrAte) on how many you have to do to keep the water good. In a tank that small with 5 fish (what kind are they) I imagine you'd have to do it more often.

I don't know how to make food but I know it has been done. I do know that fish like peas (de-dhelled and cut up) and some like lettuce and cucumber.

You have to tell us what those fish are.

What type of filter will or do you have?

You could check out how to make gordon's formuula (I think it's something like that), though the books that had the recipe were very old, so that type of food might be outdated.
Thanks for your replies, following are some clarifications:

- I don't have a filter, but I am will buy it today. Any suggestion on a filter?

- I have in the tank :
2 x Swordtails [1.5" long]
2 x Zebra Danio
1 x I don't know the name, but same size as Zebra Danio


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