Newb To Bettas


Mar 19, 2006
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Canada, Ontario
my sister has a betta in a bowl *i dont like that*

i would like to know if the betta would be aggressive if i put it in with my guppies, neons, and danios

The betta would probably attack the guppies because of the males' long flowing fins. Neons are notorious fin nippers. I definitely wouldn't recommend it. Maybe just get a bigger home for Mr. Betta? :flowers:
Bowl+more than one fish=pure chaos

No. Though now that you mentioned it, I have to tell a story. So a few days ago, I go to my LFS, the girls infront of me bought 8 zebra danios, and you know what they're putting em in? a half gallon tank. I would've said something, but my dad doesn't like getting embarresed. :(
Bowl+more than one fish=pure chaos

No. Though now that you mentioned it, I have to tell a story. So a few days ago, I go to my LFS, the girls infront of me bought 8 zebra danios, and you know what they're putting em in? a half gallon tank. I would've said something, but my dad doesn't like getting embarresed. :(

The first post says, "If I put it in with my other fish", not "If I add more fish to the bowl." :)

I knew a girl who put 30 neons in a 2g desk tank. It was horrible. In her defense, she was just a kid at the time, and didn't know better.

What size is the bowl, may I ask? If you're looking to super size him, a 5 gallon tank is a great size. It's not much wider than a bowl is, is large enough to support a dialed heater, and it's easier to treat him when he's sick (with medication, I mean). Also, you don't necessarily have to add a filter to a 5g tank. A lot of male bettas are awful swimmers -- apparently they weren't informed they were fish at birth. :lol: The current tends to catch in their finnage like sails, and the weaker the fish is, the more pronounced the damage. A fish in a bowl tends to have less muscle tone, simply because they don't need to in a bowl. Be gradual with your current change. I've lost a fish in the past, by not being gradual with the current change. He didn't have a problem being in a bigger tank at all, but the filter at last did him in.

You won't regret putting him in a bigger tank. They're active and curious in a big tank, and they don't stop being shameless beggars and showoffs. Everyone wins. :D

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