Newb Question


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Greece and USA (dual citizenship)
I know that its highly reccomended for newbs wanting a reef system to have a tank of at least 55 gallons. I plan on mking a 20 gallon sump to my empty 29 gallon tank. The extra water is good for "more room for error" what errors are likely to occur? As a salt newb to only thing that I could see would be salinty with water evaporting and excessive nitrates. Please enlighten me
excessive phosphates, dying and toxically decomposing fish/inverts, and just in general more biological room for pollutants which saltwater species are much more vulnerable to. remember the old saying, "The solution to pollution is dillution"
The solution to pollution is dilution. The more volume in a marine tank, the safer the animals are with regards to insults. Extra volume is a wonderful thing, relatively speaking, with a marine tank. SH

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