new world to african


Jan 30, 2004
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new world cichlids just didn't do it for me theres not enough color and the only ones i actually liked were firemouths and angel so im switching to african.

i really like labs and how many can i keep in a 70g tank
and what other species are attractive and colorful im looking for more cichlids and eels
i like all of these and i am having troubles deciding on the type of tank or can i mix these what r ur favourites.
heres a site with pics and profiles
lake tanganyika lake malawi
red fin copadichromis azureus
black calvus mbamba yellow top
neolamprologus brichardi electric yellow
neolamprologus leleupi electric blue ahli
neolamprologus cylindricus red top
lupingo blue saphire
pombo rock
pseudotrottopheus savlosi
ndumbi gold

finally done ok what goes best together and how many of each in 70g tank
sorry about the screw up its the tanganyika on the left and on the right is malawi

this site gave me advice on stocking a 75g tank which is close to mine heres the site its second last page take a look

and its not a red fin its a altolamprologus compressiceps
I just got a pair of Red German Peacocks that i'm going to breed and they're amaaazing. I think the scientific name is Aulonocara Maleri. Try them!
It's quite a mix of fish that could work in that tank provided it's decorated right and you feed a variety of foods, as you have some different diets mixed in there. It's very eclectic and you will want to keep an eye on things and remove any fish that look like they are causing trouble.

Were you planning on keeping one of each or a number of each?

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