New World Cichlids With This Stocking


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2006
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Ok here is my current stocking plan. What new world cichlid could go with these?

4 angel fish (can make this go down to two)
2 bristlenose plecos
1 red tailed shark
6 yoyo loaches
3 abf (I can take these off the list or take it to just one)
as long as the convicts r the same gender
If you're willing to nix the shark, you could easily have a pair of rams (german or bolivian) or a trio of apistos :)
Personally I would go for a type of apisto, maybe an Apistogramma agassizii. I am going to add a trio of these into my 55 with angelfish
Just wondering what could go with a gold severum? Anything off my stocking plan? If not I will stick to the apistos you are suggesting.
i THINK a pair of severums needs a bigger tank.
In the severum profile the minimum size tank is 30 gallons, and it wouldnt have to be a pair.
55g is OK for even a grown severum. However, I would be VERY cautious about keeping a severum with angels. Angels and sevs both can vary widely in their temperament. If you get an aggressive angel and a docile sev, or vice versa, it could be a recipe for trouble. I love sevs and angels, so if I had a 55g tank, I might give it a try IF I had a spare tank available to pull the offender out at a moment's notice. Check out the article pinned to the top of the forum about severums - tons of great info.
I have a spare tank available, so I could move the angels if it didnt work out. The severums are very small at my lfs so they could grow up together. I think I may give it a try. So what should my stocking be if I add the severums?

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