new with fishes

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May 31, 2004
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Hi im new here and new with tropical fish, i had my tank for about 2 weeks and srry i dont know the name of the fishes , well here's my problem when i first got my 10G tank i had a little gold fish :*), and then i started getting tropical fish, im going to try to explain the fish (srry) i got three fish one was platy, Kissing they need a heater.
yes they need a heater unless the room they're in doesn't fluctuate heat wise and stays between 75 and 80 degrees F.

Also mixing goldfish and tropicals is a huge no no. Not to mention kissing gouramis get big.
oh nooooo, how big cause i just got one today, and plus i got this medicine a guy told me to get it removes those white sugary like spots from the fish's fins or body, u put it in the tank and it makes it blue so the fish can take in when they breathe and i got a heater for the tropical fish and set it to 80`F and its a good quality heater, which has automatic temp balencer.
Sounds like you are doing the right things. I wold however remove the goldfish as it will at the very least cause water quality issues as they are very messy fish. You could probably take it back to the fish store. Hope That Helps :)
kissing gouramis can grow anywhere from a half a foot to a foot long, so a 10 gal is way too small for it
hi snake212 Its tough getting into a new hobby and specially this one. But you are in good hands here. These people are not jumping on you and i hope you dont take it that way. They are just looking out for you and your fish and they are right the kissing gourami will get very large, but it is a slow grower. So you have a couple of options either take it back and exchange it for smaller fish (and if you need ideas just ask this crowd :D ) or keep it with the intent of getting a much bigger tank later on. Also have you cycled the tank yet? If you are not sure what that means then read this and it will clear things up. If you have not cycled the tank then you should take the gourami back as it may not make it through the cycle. HTH :)

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