New Weekly "off Topic" Topic No.18 (04/06/12)

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
I'm turning 60 shortly, and for as long as I can remember, animals and pets have always formed an integral part of my life..... (I'm one of those sadists who can sit and watch the running of the bulls and cheer the bull on to stampede and chuck those runners (or the matador) into the air and penetrate his horns where it hurts most).....

During the years... I have kept many pets and although not all of them shared my bed with me, they were all very special and it was always sooo tragic to lose any of them wether naturally or by accident/Illness.....

I started and operated (voluntarily) a branch of the RSPCA in a small village and really went to all extremes to home any stray or unwanted pets which landed up in my kennels, but there comes a time when a decision regarding their future must be made......

That onus rested on my shoulders.... As many of them that I found new and loving homes for.... as many had to be put down..... either due to them showing signs of kennel stress, or being so aggressive that it would be very unlikely to find a new home for them..... It was the most difficult decisions I ever had to make and averaged around 26 (cats & dogs) per month for a 13 year period whilst I was running those kennels.....

This week..... Tell us about your favourite pet (all time).... do you still remember your very first pet???.... If your pet is suffering due to injuries and/or illness.....will you (or have you ever) be able to instruct a vet to euthanaze??.....
My favorite pets are my dogs, a pug named Simon and a Chihuahua named Brooklyn. Brooklyn has a bad weight problem, but he's old and I'd rather have him go by natural causes. He was my very first real pet, and we bought him while me and him were both two years old. ^_^
My favourite pet so far is my current cat, he's the most loving animal I've ever kept, he's always wanting to be fussed and spends most of his time sat on my lap.
Mine is my dog Buddy. He's really fluffy and loving. I love him. He was my first pet, and if ever in pain, yes I'd have him put down. I'd like to send him to one of those places where they freeze them and stuff so that you can keep them forever once he dies.
My favourite pet is my pug hoggle ( named after the the film labrinth :lol: )

And unfortunately earlier this year we had to have our roughly 10 year old ( roughly as he was a rescue with unknown age) Rottweiler x Alsatian yogi put down as he had a hernia on the spine and could barely walk, Wich was not a nice experience :no:

Also I too hope the bull catches them too :lol:

When I was six we moved from a large town to a rural community. I went from having friends all over my neighborhood to no friends within miles. So when my parents noticed me needing a companion they surprised me with a yellow lab puppy. I will always remember that life changing afternoon when I got off the school bus like any oth day. but as I walked into the house my new friend was waiting for me. Her name was Tinda and she was by best friend growing up in the country side. 15 years later I was by her side as we said goodbye. It is one of the most amazing things, a relationship between a human and their pet companions. I watched marley and me with my wife and wheeped like a baby. My wife looked at me like I lost it. Even years later, Tinda is greatly missed.
I'm with the current cat answer. Theo was a feral farm cat who will tolerate nobody looking at him, let alone touching him, apart from me and my wife. He's even great with our 7 week old.

There's something special about a pet that trusts only you but is basically wild otherwise.

Plus he's great for keeping the mice out of the cupboard, and the neighbourhood cats away from the place entirely (but often to the extreme of sending them to the vets).

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