New tropical aquarium stocking ideas???


New Member
Jan 21, 2025
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Hi all. I'm new to this forum! 😁

Currently thinking of ideas to stock my new 125L Fluval Roma aquarium.

I currently have one super red bristle nose pleco and three cherry shrimp.

I'm looking to get some colourful feature fish (maybe a pair)? And then some more shoaling fish.

Has anyone got any ideas what I can stock? And how many of each please? I've been looking and looking but cannot figure out how many I can have and what will work well as a community tank.

My current PH is sitting at around 7.6 PH. And I'm based in Swindon, UK which is pretty hard water. So not sure if I can go for something like German Rams as they like it pretty soft. I love Cichlids but they are pretty aggressive in a community tank plus my aquarium is quite heavily live planted.

Many thanks!
Hi all. I'm new to this forum! 😁

Currently thinking of ideas to stock my new 125L Fluval Roma aquarium.

I currently have one super red bristle nose pleco and three cherry shrimp.

I'm looking to get some colourful feature fish (maybe a pair)? And then some more shoaling fish.

Has anyone got any ideas what I can stock? And how many of each please? I've been looking and looking but cannot figure out how many I can have and what will work well as a community tank.

My current PH is sitting at around 7.6 PH. And I'm based in Swindon, UK which is pretty hard water. So not sure if I can go for something like German Rams as they like it pretty soft. I love Cichlids but they are pretty aggressive in a community tank plus my aquarium is quite heavily live planted.

Many thanks!
Welcome to the forum...

You could add in some smaller tetras (ember or green neon) into the tank. I don't know about the bristlenose pleco though, bristlenoses can get a bit large (5-8 inches long), compared to other plecos that grow much larger than a bristlenose. For tetras, you need a group of 10 or more because they are schooling fish. Just make sure they don't eat the adult shrimp.

You can add in lemon, ember or cardinal tetras for colour in the tank. If you add in at least 15 specimens, you can truly appreciate their schooling behaviour. I have kept silvertips (bit of a more aggressive tetra) in my 3ft long aquarium all to themselves, and they are much better in a group of 18 fish, so try and get to that number if you can.

Also try the AqAdvisor calculator for stocking percentages:


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