New to Tropical Fish Forum


New Member
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Lakeside, California
Hello all,

I am new to your Tropical Fish Forum, but not new to fish. I currently raise Bettas and I am also attempting to spawn Paradise Fish and Gouramis.

I raised bettas, guppies and goldfish when I was young and stopped and now I am raising and spawning them again. I have been seriously spawning bettas for the last three plus years. I truly enjoy them and how beautiful they are. I am glad that there are forums where people are more civil and kind. I look forward to being around here. ;)
Thats great! And im glad you found TFF! Because we strongly emphisise ths forum as one the whole Family can enjoy! :)

I hope to hear a few posts about your spawning gouramis! I want to encourage my male gourami to breed, he is in top condition, but sadly he just isnt building a nest! :eek:

Anyway, look forward to seeing your posts! And :hi: to TFF! :D

Welcome to the forum. It realy is a good family forum, well moderated and controlled. Some topics get a little heated at times but everyone is always civil (well mostly anyway).
welcome... like the avatar (one of the greatest movies of all time :) ) hope you have fun here and cant wait to hear about the gourami spawning!

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