New To Tiger Barbs, Need Help


Fish Crazy
Aug 8, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland NZ
Hey, i am new to fish tanks, i have got a 86 litre, about 24 gallons, and i have 4 angels, 4 gouramis, and 2 fighters, a male and female. My female isnt looking so hot at the moment, which is why i am separating her from the male. but that isnt the topic. I have another 70 litre, about 20 gallons, and i would like to breed tiger barbs. Can someone please just tell me a bit about what i should do. I have read several websites on the net, but i am not too sure im ready to start breeding yet. THANKS FOR READING!!! :)
Hi there, as far as i'm aware I thought for tiger barbs to be comfortable then they need a min of 30gallons. They are really active fish - I only have 5 in a 30 and i'm moving them up cos they need more space IMO. Nice fish though, good luck with them :)

I note a couple of issues - the angels will outgrow your 24gallon and gouramis, being in the same family as them, will often not live happily alongside fighter fish. Also, if you pop over to the betta forum (fighter fish), you will see that you can't really keep male and female bettas together full-time. One will usually turn on the other, and you will end up with a stressed, chewed-up and possibly dead fish. I know you said this isn;t what this topic was about, but as a betta lover, I felt I had to say something. Not trying to be mean though, just a bit of advice :)
Yea, im going to put my female in my 70 litre so she can recover, then i may sell her, i was going to breed the fighter fish, but im not so sure i will at this point. I have looked at the fighter fish forums, so i know about that. But i also just saw on 1 of my angels, they have a bit of fin missing in the cordal fin i think, it may have been a fighter, or is there a disease? It looks like the fin is in a fork shape, because a piece of the fin is missing. Any ideas?
Might've been one of the fighters - they have issues with other tankmates with flowy, long-ish fins. The angel may have proved too tempting...
Should i take out the male too? he has seemed to be fine since a few days ago, he chased a few fish around but wasnt harming them. Should i take him out as well or is it just maybe the female making him a bit aggressive?
Sorry, didn't see this before. You could try isolating the male betta for a while to see how the tankmates pick up. Living with the gouramis could be affecting his behaviour too - might make him more aggressive.

How are they getting on now?
Well, as my other tank is having some ph problems, i have kept the female in the tank, but shes in a opened up plastic bottle, so the male cant get to her. Do you know why my ph is going wrong? all i have are some red pebbles and a few plants. 1 day it was at 6.7 from putting in some chemicals to make it go lower, and the next day it was at 7.5, do u know why?
Messing with pH is a risky thing i don't advise it unless it is absoloutely necesary for the fish, all my bettas happily live in pH 7-7.4

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