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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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New Member
Feb 24, 2020
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G'day guys, new to the forum, I had a freshwater aquarium through my teens but but it's been a few years since then, decided to set up a tank I've had sitting in a corner for years. Tank is about 50L water with substrate and hardscape, custom 20W LED I made a couple years ago, been cycling for a month with API Quickstart, I remodelled today and added the driftwood, previously only poorly composed lava rock. There's about 10 cherry shrimp, 6 cardinal tetras and a bunch of random snails. Plants include Thin Vallisneria, Hair Grass, 2 random Crypts, Christmas Moss and a few Bolbitus. Probably going to add some rotala to fill out the background. Let me know how I did.

Hello and welcome to the forum! :hi:

Wow! Pretty tank! You should enter that in our monthly TOTM contest! (Tank of the month)

Tag me if you need with live plants, bettas, or AquaScaping! ;)
Lol, don’t be insulting his doctors actor! :lol:
Tagging is this: @vanalisa

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When I post this post you will get 2 alerts, 1( Will be the notification that someone responded to your watched thread and 2( Will say this “PheonixKingZ mentioned you in a post” :)
Thank's all, I really enjoyed setting this up. Was a bit of a pain replanting so soon but that's what I get for not putting enough thought in initially.

I concur, great grass, sweet tank.
The substrate is Pisces Aquaearth, seems to be pretty good, the hairgrass had heaps of new roots before I replanted and 0 ammonia and nitrite after the first week.

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