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Sep 18, 2009
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hi all, i am new to the forum and was after a few ideas.
for the last 2 years i have been keeping a marine setup, just recently i have sold all my fish/corals etc, to switch back to the freshwater tropical side of fish keeping, problem is i dont really no what kinda fish to go for this time round. I started off keeping trops when i was around 12-13 and it was a very mixed comunity tank, i learned lots about keeping fish back then and tried something a bit more challenging each time i decide to switch setups. i enjoyed keeping the marine, but it was alot of work and took so much more time to maintain, this is the reason i have gone back to the good old trops.
After the community tank i went on to discuss, i liked these alot but would rather something different this time round.

my tank is a 350l corner tank, any ideas on something a little bit more unique/different from the normal would be great Thanks :good:
Welcome to the forum :hi: !

Might I recommend an Amazon themed tank? Plenty of tetras, cory cats, and a plecostomus or two? Or, if you want really unique, lot's of really small fish, like jellybean tetras. Or perhaps leaf fish, they're very interesting. Leaf fish and twig catfish. I'm seeing a pattern here...
i like the idea of the amazon theme, maybe the amazon theme with just a big shoal of tetras may look interesting. LEAF FISH hmmm i dont no wether to call them ugly or amazing lol, definatly different though, thanks for the ideas. any more would be great the more the better, filling with RO tomorrow so got lots of time to think about it. thanks again jourdy.
good link drobby thanks. after looking around abit today at a number of different lfs, i am kind of swaying towards trying ciclids, i have never kept them before, i no there not to unusual like i was looking for, but they are definatly interesting fish. what kind of ciclids can i get?? or that will go together ok??? anyway tanks full of water again, gravel in and brand new filter media, so the fishless cycling begins now!!!

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