New To The Forum


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Jan 1, 2009
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New to the forum but not to fish keeping. I have over twenty years of fish keeping over four continents.
Currently I am breeding South American Annual Killies, species livebearers, and rainbows. I also keep some native species of killies. I also breed amphibians and have several invertibrate colonies that I keep for my classes. I am a science teacher.

Howdee & Welcome :)

what sort of inverts and amphibians do you keep?

whats that fish in your avatar?

South American Annual Killifish:
Simpsonichthys zonatus my 'MOST WANTED' killie species. I had them the lost the bunch due to a freeze.

not a community fish then?

These are rare fish not commonly available except through other killie breeders. Shops only rarely sell killies because they are short lived fish. Most are small and fragile. Check out the information from the American Killifish Society or find a local killie group. Killies do well in very small tanks. Most of mine are in 2.5 gallon to ten gallon tanks. Larger tanks are usefull for grow out tanks.

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