New to the forum - the story so far…..

Paul Davis

New Member
Mar 20, 2022
Reaction score
Long Eaton
I started off looking after fish for someone who will be away for a long time. The tank seemed too small so I bought a bigger one. That then seemed a bit empty so I got some more fish…. and here I am.
Very much a novice.
The original fish were 3 goldfish. They’ve grown with the size of tank which I gather is normal. I’ve added some small leopard and zebra fish (can’t remember species?)
I also added 2 black skirted tetras but one recently died. I think it was a swim bladder problem based on the symptoms. I put it in a separate tank and tried some treatment I got online. It didn’t improve and died after a week.
I was thinking the remaining one looks lonely and I found useful advice in here. I’m off to buy him a couple of mates today.
There's a lot to learn isn’t there. I’m guessing this forum will be helpful.
I would return the black skirt rather than buying more. These are nippy fish which will target the goldies fins. They are also tropical fish while goldies and danios are temperate. They need warmer water than goldies & danios.

Goldfish are big fish when fully grown, something most people don't realise. And they need big tanks. There's useful info in this thread.
Hi Paul, welcome to the forum... :hi:
While it is possible to keep these fish together, it's not very ideal, to be honest... Some motivation has already been given overhere.

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