New To The Corydoras Family


Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2008
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hi everyone! :D

i'm new to this whole Corydoras owner thing . . . i was curious to know one thing about Corys :X

what are the "jobs" of Corys in a community tanks, if i may ask? :look:

i've noticed they seem to feed alot on the bottom of the tank, which is good for food that are left uneaten :nod:

thanks alot everyone! :good:
Corydoras, are bottom feader and the clean up most uneaten food at the bottom of the tank.
Corydoras, are bottom feader and the clean up most uneaten food at the bottom of the tank.

Exactly but remember, they are not garbage eaters (spoiled, rotten, etc.) so you have to make sure that they are getting enough food. It's recommended that the Corys be given food supplements such as sinking food tablets. It's important that you keep the bottom clean by vacuuming the sand or gravel weekly.

cory_dad, what kind of sinking tablets would you recomend?
cory_dad, what kind of sinking tablets would you recomend?

Sorry for the delayed reply, I had to make dinner for my human family then clean the fry tank and feed my non-human family. ;-)

I don't know if this is the best there is but I've been using Nutrafin Max Sinking Complete Food Tablets. What I was looking for was a high protein content and this is 44%. I buy it at the local Pet Smart here in Canada. My Cory's just love it (so do the other fish). When they find it on the bottom they crowd around it and just lie there munching away at it. One of them sometimes even lays on his side. It looks so cute. It seems that as soon as I started giving them their own food the female started laying eggs (alright, not right after but several weeks later).

I'd certainly like to hear other people's recommendations.
Oh, one more observation.

I'm not sure if I read this on this forum but someone had suggested to get a freeze dried tubifex worm cube and wrap a metal sinking strip (the kind you get when you buy a bunch of plants) around it.

I tried doing that a couple of times but I got the weirdest reaction from the Corys. They obviously detected the worms because they went up to the strip. But whenever they came in contact with the metal it was as if they received a shock or something because they immediately darted away from it!?!

The other fish in the tank slowly and delicately picked at the worms and by the next morning they were pretty much gone (the worms) but there were a few still stuck on the metal.

I'm wondering if the metal is reacting with the tank water or if there is some voltaic reaction going on. But I stopped doing it because the worms were suppose to be for the Corys, not the other piggies in the tank with them.

Just thought I'd share this.

Hi Cory_Dad :)

If you can get live blackworms or frozen bloodworms, the corys will love them. If not, freeze dried tubifex is a fair alternative. They are inexpensive, easily stored, and according to a jar I have here, provide 52% crude protein.

To feed them I take a cube (you can easily break one into smaller pieces) and hold it under the water for a few moments. It will quickly absorb water and soften up. At that point I gently rub it between my fingers to separate the worms. It's nutritious food for your other meat eating fish too, so plan on putting in enough for them as well.
yah my danios will greedily munch up the tablets before my corys can get to them! :lol:

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