New to snails


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton AB Canada
I just got 2 gold mystery snails today and was wondering if there was anything that I have to watch out for. Signs of dying, breeding, etc.
Not really. Snails are pretty low maint. Just remember that snails are not "scavangers" and you'll be fine. Make sure to provide food that snails need to eat as well, and yours will be fine. Things such as lettuce or cucumber will be enjoyed, in addition to "standard" fish food.

Like FishDan said, they're easy to take care of. It's not good to rely just on algae for food. So romaine lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, or algae wafers/discs are good. You'll know when a snail is dead if the shell is empty or if when you gently push on the shell door, all the guts come out. If it's alive, when you push on it, it will be firm and bubbles might come out. As for breeding, snails are hermaphroditic, asexual, and sexual I believe. But they lay their egg clutches above the water line so you can remove the eggs if you don't want a ton of baby snails. The egg clutch will look like a pink bubbly blob. Mine have laid 5 clutches in a week!!! Hope this helped!
mind out what fish you keep with them.

i got 5 for spot about in 3 of our 4 big tanks...

they are all in one tank as the loaches and barbs like to nibble them :(

anyway - i put the 5 in the breeding tank for a couple of weeks and they are now ill :(

they stopped moving about and just sat still all wrinkled up and withdrawn.

I've put them back in a large tank and a couple of them have perked up.

not sure what happened though. :dunno:
I have goten to the point when i absolutly HATE snails!
I was cyling my tank for about a month. And for some reason i saw to big snails in there (i think i got them from a bit of wood i bought). 1 week later i saw some more... which wasnt so bad. the next week i saw none :huh: ant the week after that there was Millions of them!!! they have taken over my tank! my poor bristlenose does not have ne algea to clean cos i got so much snails lol.
I am gonna get rid of some. They are so unattractive! :D

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