New To Shrimp

severum boy

Fish Herder
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Wells, Somerset
Are all the smaller shrimp (amano, red cherry, bee) as easy to keep as each other? Do they all have the same water requirements? I ask because I dont want to buy some bees for my tank at £2.50 easy, only for them to die within a few weeks. Should I see if the tank is ok by adding amano shrimp?
Also, what about CRS? Are they much harder? Thanks in advance.
Amano, red cherry and bee are about the same in terms of difficulty. Cherries are very adaptable in terms of water hardness, ph and temperature but prefer slightly alkaline water ph 7.2 but they do fine in harder water or slightly acidic water ph above 6.5. They breed like guppies when they are happy. Bee shrimp are the same species as crystal red, the crs are just a colour morph of bee shrimp. CRS tend to be regarded as the most difficult I think that is because of the amount of selective breeding to get good red and white colours. Higher grade CRS like A and the S grade are probably more delicate than the ones available in UK mostly grade C. Bumblebee shrimp are a different species havent kept them. Tiger shrimp prefer soft water like the CRS. Nitrite, ammonia and copper (in meds, food or plant ferts) are the biggest shrimp killers. A very well cycled tank is a must. I have crs, cherries and amanos haven’t found crs as difficult as I expected they are doing fine in a five gallon tank. Ph 6.8 kh4 temp 21C.
They can all be kept in the same water parameters, but baby rearing will make a difference. Amanos need brackish water for their babies and CRS need, I believe, softer waters.

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