New To Saltwater


Fish Crazy
Feb 27, 2007
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hi i would like to get some shrimp and some friends for them. i have no idea what i need to start. i know i need live rock. i'll use either my 2og high or my 29g. what do i need for set up. and what are some good choses for a beginner. i want bright colorful and fun fish. the freakier the better. there is a lfs by me that sells mostly salt water stuff, so i'll get my stuff from them but advice im kinda scared about most of the enpolyees are not the friendlist.

right now i have the tank that is it.
ok things i need to know.

which tank to use the 20gh or the 29g?
how much live rock?
what are my basic needs and what are the best brands?
what kinda fish and how many? the freakier the better
what shrimp?
what animals to avoid at all cost?
what other creatures can i get?

never had saltwater so all advice welcome just please be nice.
also everybody must get a along. what about a eel? like i said need to be freaky. also whats the best and cheepiest way to cycle the tank.
hi i would like to get some shrimp and some friends for them. i have no idea what i need to start. i know i need live rock. i'll use either my 2og high or my 29g. what do i need for set up. and what are some good choses for a beginner. i want bright colorful and fun fish. the freakier the better. there is a lfs by me that sells mostly salt water stuff, so i'll get my stuff from them but advice im kinda scared about most of the enpolyees are not the friendlist.

right now i have the tank that is it.
ok things i need to know.

which tank to use the 20gh or the 29g?
how much live rock?
what are my basic needs and what are the best brands?
what kinda fish and how many? the freakier the better
what shrimp?
what animals to avoid at all cost?
what other creatures can i get?

never had saltwater so all advice welcome just please be nice.

Hi Channing,

Ok, before you even think about getting any livestock, you need to get your tank cycled and water chemistry right. As far as the tanks go, I'd use the large 29G (bigger the better right?? :good: ) and maybe convert the 20g into a sump underneath (just an idea).

Live Rock for the 29G would be about 12-15KG mark. This acts as a biological filter, as it houses bacteria that breaks down all the ammonia and nitrites from fish waste, into nitrates.

Items you will require in no particular order are, external filter, protein skimmer, uv sterilizer (optional but recommended), lighting units, powerheads, refractometer (measuring salt in the water), water testing kits (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, phosphate, ph, alkalinity).

As far as fish go, I think you should decide whether you are going for a reef setup or a fish only with live rock. Some fish although spectacular, will decimate corals and other fish and invertebrates, so you need to decide before hand. Personally, I'd start with hardy, easy to keep fish like the common clownfish (nemo), Chromis, Damsels and possibly tangs too.

Shrimps form part of your CUC or Clean-up crew. These go into the tank once the rock has finished curing and the tank has cycled. The rock, when first placed in the aquarium will suffer some dieback of the organic lifeforms on it. As a result you will get ammonia which the bacteria will break dowin into nitrites and then nitrates. CUC's consist of a variety of snails, hermit crabs, shrimp and starfish, each performing vital tasks. I'd recommend peppermint shrimp, skunk cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp.

The species you want to avoid again depends on what you want to keep in the tank. Some fish will feed on corals and so can't be included in a reef setup. Alternatively, you can keep that fish in a FOWLR setup. Some fish are peaceful community fish, others are highly territorial and aggressive, so its swings and roundabouts really. Careful planning and research is required. Nothing good happens fast in marine tanks.

Other creatures in the tanks can include corals, anenomes, mushrooms, urchins, starfish. Again these all have requirements regarding their care and will dictate can be kept with them. Fish feeding on inverts or corals will not be compatible.

Take the time to read up on the many pinned topics, and other sites on the net with information regarding water requirements/chemisty, the full nitrogen cycle. The roll live rock and live sand play. How the creatures help form a contained eco-system. The roll and benefits of sumps and refugiums can play. There are some excellent threads on here regarding starting a tank from scratch, with some very useful information, tips and insights.

I hope that's of some help. Good luck :)

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