New to saltwater tanks....newbie question


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Have had freshwater tanks for a good part of my life but would now like to venture into saltwater.

Would like to setup something like a 20gallon long or 30 gallon long tank. Most likely would like several clown fish. What are the stocking rules for saltwater? How is the maintenance on a saltwater tank different than fresh? Would I need any different equipment?

Ray....I'm about to set up a 24 Gallon Nano cube. I think there is more flexibility with the set up that you are planning compared to mine. Surf over to There is a ton of stuff over there. Good luck. SH
Since I already have a 20g Long and the following equipment, I will most likely set this up:

200w Marine Land Heater
Emperor 280 Filter
Stand and Light.

I see much about using more powerfull lights, is this for coral growth? Do I have to have live coral and plants in my tank? What if I decide I only want several fish and then 'dead' rocks? Will a 20w light be enough? Will the filter be enough?

How many clowns can happily live in a 20g long? (30x12x12)

steelhealr said:
Ray....I'm about to set up a 24 Gallon Nano cube. I think there is more flexibility with the set up that you are planning compared to mine. Surf over to There is a ton of stuff over there. Good luck. SH
Thank, I will check that site out tonight.

Ray...the main thing you will need in this tank is LIVE ROCK. This is the main filtration in a small tank along with a powerhead for circulation. The reefers over at that site are using sometimes 5 watts/gallon of lighting and even more. Yes..this is to maintain the high lighting requirements of corals. Anemones in general are not placed in this size tank as they are extremely sensitive and if they die can kill the entire tank. Plants in general are not used (macroalgae) as they can take over a tank, although, some put them in and prune it. Generally, it is kept in a refugium. A 20 gallon nano tank should hold 3-4 small fish...maybe 5 if really small. Tank will need a 'cleanup' crew consisting of hermits, crabs, shrimp, etc...varies from tank to tank and what you want. Hope this helps as a starter. SH
Ditto to steelhealr. You want live rock in there - it really helps with the filtration and stability issues that can crop up in a small tank.

More powerful lights are for corals. If you want just fish and live rock, then standard fluorescent lighting will be just fine.

I am far from a clownfish expert, but I would stick with 4 and get them small. That way they can form their 2 pairs and you won't be left with a lone fish. Someone more knowledgable on clowns could set me straight, but that's just my guess. If you get perc or ocellaris clowns and get 4, you could also get a SMALL goby like a clown goby.

Don't forget the snails and hermit crabs, they are very important in SW tanks and help clean up the fish poo and other stuff in the tank, along with algae.

Any other questions?
Thanks for the info.

So the Emperor 280 should be sufficient with live rock? How much live rock should I get?

Would I need a skimmer?

Thanks for the help!

There's some controversy as to what you need in filters. Some say that regular filter media doesn't work well in SW tanks b/c it just leaches nitrates back into the tank. Some use LR in their filter and some have no filter at all. Personally, I have an AquaClear 30 with ceramic rings (the original kind, not the knock off) and I have been keeping an eye on nitrates and don't see them rising any faster than when I first got the tank set up.

You don't need a skimmer on a 20g, but if you want one, there are small skimmers out there. I got an Aqua Medic Miniflotor for less than $30 off ebay and am very happy with it. It's a little big for my tank, but on a 20g it would probably work better, size wise.

You should get 20-30 pounds of live rock.
With a saltwater tank, do you still do 25 - 50% water changes weekly? I thought that is how you keep Nitrates in check?

Do you have to wait several weeks for a tank to cycle with SW as you do with Fresh?

Water Changes - I change 20% every other week at the same time as I'm already doing water changes on my FW tank, but I have a skimmer.... You can monitor water parameters through testing the nitrate level every few days to make sure you're doing changes often enough til you get a schedule that works for you.

Cycle - If you get the full load of LR at the very beginning and your LR is cured (if you get it from your LFS it should be cured) then your tank is instantly cycled. The bacteria and organisms that make LR "live" will instantly be able to process your fish waste if you add enough LR (like 1 pound per gallon).

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