New To Saltwater -- Need Advice For A New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
Frederick, MD
Hello all - this is my first post in a saltwater forum.

I would like to setup a 30 or 50g saltwater tank (no coral). So far the advice my LFS has given is to purchase a filter that can handle 2x my tank size. Surprisingly, they were not to keen on a fishless cycle but this forum really recommends it so I plan on going fishless.

Other than filter size, the only other major difference I know of so far is the obvious --> I have to add salt to the water. This does bring up a question -- Ph comes out of my tap at about 7.6. For some reason, my freshwater tanks (4 of them) all go up to 8.2/8.3. Is this an acceptable range to successfully host saltwater fish? Should I constantly lower new water to 8.0 before adding?

When I started my freshwater tanks, I followed Top Fin's instructions and they were horrible. I'd like to get as much info from you all before I make any regrettable mistakes.

Thanks in advance.
well, ill state that treated( RO/DI ) water is the best thing for our salt water friends, RO/DI water has a very low or no TDS in it... basically its dead water, all nutrients and toxins are gone, nothing to feed algae(a major plus). Now you can just add salt like the common instant ocean, put in a powerhead for 24 hours bring up the temperature and volia prefect salt water for ur fish only setup.

Now you could use treated tape water with a tap water conditioner, a fish only setup would probably be fine with that. I would no go down that path if I was you however, esp with the very hard water you seem 2 have. Who knows whats in it......
well, ill state that treated( RO/DI ) water is the best thing for our salt water friends, RO/DI water has a very low or no TDS in it... basically its dead water, all nutrients and toxins are gone, nothing to feed algae(a major plus). Now you can just add salt like the common instant ocean, put in a powerhead for 24 hours bring up the temperature and volia prefect salt water for ur fish only setup.

It's not at all necessary for a FO or FOWLR tank as the problems in tap wwater relate to sessile inverts and the high lighting in reef tanks.

Now you could use treated tape water with a tap water conditioner, a fish only setup would probably be fine with that. I would no go down that path if I was you however, esp with the very hard water you seem 2 have. Who knows whats in it......

Hard water? The OP hasn't mentioned hardness. The OP said that their pH from the tap was 7.6 which isn't too bad at all (and will be buffered up to around 8.0 by the salt).

To the OP:

Your pH in your tanks probably goes up because there is a rock or gravel bicarbonate which is dissolving into the water to raise the pH. Unless you are going tot ake water from the FW tanks and use it on the SW then you will be starting with 7.6 and raising that with the salt.
andywg is probably very correct in what he stated about ur PH issue is probably ur gravel....
but I just have a few questions.
when you change ur tanks water, you probably do a 20% water change?
you probably use cold water correct? since not to use warm water that has been sitn` in your metal hot water tank for a few days or hours....
now you probably dont heat up ur water before u add it 2 ur main tank after treating it??
now did you test ur PH using cold water from the tap? and then checked ur warm tank water PH?
a lot of "probably", but just checking... `cause that was my thinking behind my post
andywg is probably very correct in what he stated about ur PH issue is probably ur gravel....
but I just have a few questions.
when you change ur tanks water, you probably do a 20% water change?
you probably use cold water correct? since not to use warm water that has been sitn` in your metal hot water tank for a few days or hours....
now you probably dont heat up ur water before u add it 2 ur main tank after treating it??
now did you test ur PH using cold water from the tap? and then checked ur warm tank water PH?
a lot of "probably", but just checking... `cause that was my thinking behind my post

Well, I took water samples to my LFS yesterday. They say my Ph is at 7.4. I don't know how I get 8.2/8.3. I use API's liquid test kit, my LFS uses Tetra's liquid test kits. I'm going to purchase Tetra's just to see if I see the same thing... also taking my water to another LFS just to compare.

Yea, I do 20-25% water changes daily. I do use cold water straight from the tap. I just add the dechlorinator. (I do not heat up the water)

When I tested my base tap water, I did test cold water from the tap. I get 7.6 when I do that. Also going to take my tap water to a LFS tomorrow.

Once I get the Ph puzzle solved, I'll start up a saltwater tank... looking forward to it.

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